Get help paying your mortgage

The Utah Homeowners Assistance Fund (UHAF) program is a federally funded housing assistance program for homeowners in Utah impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program can provide aid for housing-related costs such as mortgage and property charges, taxes, insurance premiums, condominium fees, planned unit development fees, HOA fees, and other assessments that may be required by local or state law.

Funds may be used to bring accounts fully current, with no remaining delinquent amounts, and to repay amounts advanced by the lender or servicer on the borrower’s behalf for property charges.

The current UHAF application is for Households that have incomes equal to, or less than, 150% of the county area median income (AMI) in which the household resides or 100% of AMI for the United States, whichever is greater.

“The HAF was established to mitigate financial hardships associated with the coronavirus pandemic…for the purpose of preventing homeowner mortgage delinquencies, defaults, foreclosures, and displacements of homeowners experiencing financial hardship after January 21, 2020.”

– Homeowner Assistance Fund Guidance, US Treasury – February 24, 2022

Learn more about the Homeowners Assistance Fund: U.S. Treasury Department HAF Guidance / American Rescue Plan Act

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the HAF Program, applicants:

  • Must have experienced a documented financial hardship associated with COVID-19 after January 21, 2020
  • Must own and occupy the property as their primary residence for which they are applying for assistance, located in Utah
  • Households that are categorized as a Priority Population, as outlined in the UHAF Policy
  • Household applicants must NOT have received monetary assistance from the Emergency Rental Assistance program. 
  • Have a mortgage delinquency of 30 days or more, or have a Partial Claim/Deferred balance that occurred after January 21, 2020

Answer the pre-screening questions to see if you may qualify.

Homeowners Assistance Fund (HAF) Critical Home Repair Program

Is Your Home in Need of Critical Repairs? We can help.

Basic Eligibility Criteria

  • Income Eligibility: Up to 100% of County Area Median Income (AMI) based on household size.
  • COVID-19 Impact: Household financial impact after January 21, 2020 is required.
  • Maximum Repair Grant: Certain repairs covered up to $18,000.
  • Residency Requirement: Primary residence in Utah, and the applicant must be the homeowner.
  • Mortgage Delinquency: Not required for eligibility.
  • Previous Assistance: No disqualification for receiving mortgage assistance.

Common Repairs Covered

  • Previous Assistance: No disqualification for receiving mortgage assistance.
  • Leaking Roof
  • Obsolete Electrical Wiring
  • Plumbing Leakages
  • Defective Windows
  • Insulation Issues

How to Apply

Complete the following fillable application.

Mail or deliver application and ALL required documentation to the following locations based on your county of residence.

Please Note: Funds are limited, and eligibility criteria apply. Due to limited funding, we are no longer accepting applications for the following counties of residence: Weber, Davis, Morgan, Salt Lake, Summit, Tooele, Utah, Wasatch.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I need to pay this assistance back?

No, eligible applicants are not required to repay this assistance.

Do I need to live at the property to receive assistance?

Yes, eligible applicants must currently own and occupy the property as their primary residence.

If eligible, what can this assistance be used for?

The funding can be used to:

  • Pay off mortgage payments that are past due
  • Pay off past due manufactured home loan debt (chattel loan) or past due monthly lot rents
  • Pay off property taxes or insurance premiums that are past due
  • Pay off past due co-op or condo homeowner association or maintenance fees
  • Pay off Partial Claim/Deferred balance that occurred after January 21, 2020

How much assistance is available to qualifying homeowners?

Maximum assistance amount at the start of the program will be $50,000 per residence. The Department of Workforce Services will expend funds as necessary to bring a homeowner’s primary residence fully current, with no remaining delinquent amounts, and to repay amounts advanced by the lender or servicer on the borrower’s behalf for property charges.

What documents do I need to apply?

You must provide the following as part of the application process:

  • Government issued identification that proves legal United States residency (for example, social security card, permanent resident card or passport)
  • Most recent mortgage statement for each mortgage (for example, first mortgage and second mortgage)
  • Demand letter or foreclosure notice
  • Income documentation (for example, W-2s, paystubs, previous years’ tax returns, unemployment insurance award letter, SNAP award letter, or alternative income documents as applicable)

You must also provide this documentation, if it applies to your situation:

  • Manufactured home loan statement and/or lot rental agreement (homeowners that received assistance through the Utah Emergency Rental Assistance Program or any other rental assistance program administered by a local housing authority, municipality, or other agency are ineligible to receive assistance through this Program)
  • Documentation showing participation in other mortgage assistance program(s)

Complete the following as part of the application process:

  • Complete the Utah Homeowner Assistance Fund Program application
  • Fill out and sign the Third Party Authorization (TPA) and Disclosure Form
  • Provide a qualifying hardship attestation and supporting documentation from homeowner certifying and identifying the financial hardship associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and that occurred after January 21, 2020
  • You must provide your contact information, including phone number and email, as well as account (for example, mortgage, property tax, homeowners insurance) information if not listed on the provided documents

Contact Us

Do you need further assistance?

Call us at: 888-755-0102
Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm MST.

Email us:

If you need local assistance with submitting your application, click here to get contact information for the community partner who serves your area.

Additional Resources

Application Period Ending

The temporary pandemic program will stop accepting applications for the Utah Homeowners Assistance Fund (UHAF) program at midnight on Nov. 1, 2024. Please submit your completed application and all required documentation before the deadline. Applications submitted before the deadline will continue to be processed until funds are exhausted.

Puede que no califiques...

Según la información que proporcionó, parece que NO sea elegible para una subvención a través del Programa de asistencia para propietarios de viviendas de Utah.

Usted puede calificar...

Según la información que proporcionó, parece que puede SER elegible para una subvención a través del Programa de asistencia para propietarios de viviendas de Utah.

You may not qualify...

Based on the information you provided, it appears that you may not be eligible for a grant through the Utah Homeowner Assistance Program.

You may qualify...

Based on the information you provided, it appears that you may be eligible for a grant through the Utah Homeowner Assistance Program.