Pre-Screening Questionnaire

1 Financial hardships associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, which may look like:
  • Having qualified for unemployment benefits
  • Having experienced a reduction in household income
  • Having experienced an increase in living expenses, including medical expenses, household size, or increase in childcare costs
  • Having experienced other financial hardships, which may look like:
  • Losing a job or having hours reduced
  • Losing access to childcare or dependent care

Verify that you are under the income limits of the program:

3 The total gross income for all household members aged 18 and over. Total gross income does not include public benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits.

Application Period Ending

The temporary pandemic program will stop accepting applications for the Utah Homeowners Assistance Fund (UHAF) program at midnight on Nov. 1, 2024. Please submit your completed application and all required documentation before the deadline. Applications submitted before the deadline will continue to be processed until funds are exhausted.

Puede que no califiques...

Según la información que proporcionó, parece que NO sea elegible para una subvención a través del Programa de asistencia para propietarios de viviendas de Utah.

Usted puede calificar...

Según la información que proporcionó, parece que puede SER elegible para una subvención a través del Programa de asistencia para propietarios de viviendas de Utah.

You may not qualify...

Based on the information you provided, it appears that you may not be eligible for a grant through the Utah Homeowner Assistance Program.

You may qualify...

Based on the information you provided, it appears that you may be eligible for a grant through the Utah Homeowner Assistance Program.